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Thursday, October 27, 2005

Who did that Suzuki Brand Ad?

It's the woefully produced rip-off of the Mitsubishi 'Dreamers Disease' ad done a few years ago (not by us, by the way).


Scott McMillan


Production Director / Creative Services
Clemenger House, 8 Kent Terrace,

Wellington, New Zealand.

Phone: 0064 4 802 3333

Mobile: 0064 21 481 901 




Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happens in the Suzuki ad?

12:21 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was it Promotus?...your Wellington buddies.

12:46 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It shows a bunch of their vehicles being driven, whilst the occupants sing 'Wonderful World'... badly. At the end, they laugh as they are all having such a great time.

It's a pile of poop.

1:32 pm NZDT


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