A blog for the New Zealand creative advertising industry, now at www.campaignbrief.com/nz. Email news to: michael@campaignbrief.com

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Yeah right

Lynchy replies, on the comments page:

"Lynchy here. Yeah, as we are almost sister blogs, thought it might
be good to keep some consistency (and also, if it works for you, it
must for us). By the way, talking about originality, in CB magazine,
our NZ Creative Circle has been going since 1998. Before NZ came on
board, Creative Circle has been going since 1988. Although Creative
Circle (UK) is the real original"

nzcreativeciurcle says " yeah well, the nz creative circle was a local club of sorts which used to organise functions and do a bit of mentoring from the mid 80's. It had a red square as a logo, which was very creative at the time. This blog is the 2005 version. I think these sorts of things have been called circles for quite a while, I think my Grandma belonging to a knitting circle before WW2, the big one."


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