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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Culinary delights at AWARD



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice comeback Wong Kam

5:49 pm NZDT

Blogger CB said...

Oops, sorry. Don't really know how to retieve the pic. Especially from there.

8:34 pm NZDT

Blogger CB said...

The elusive image is at:


9:58 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Discharge... yummy!

10:21 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone remember the fish'n'chip at Axis a few years ago?

By the way, who was the fucker who ate my dinner at the Effies a couple of weeks ago.

There I was, chatting up a married woman who works at an agency im Parnell, we agree to catch up after the ceremony for a little bit of account handling, so I go back to my table to find some fecker had eaten my dinner.

I needed the energy for later on. I had to go without eating my main course and had to rely on dessert.

1:47 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Parnell tarts have a habit of repeating on you. Not altogether bad.

8:46 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen better on ratemypoo.com

8:48 am NZDT


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