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Thursday, November 10, 2005

Where are they?

Why are there so many Account Manager vacancies in the industry
currently? Enlighten me, but please be serious.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:32 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:19 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the people who want account managers jobs want too much money.

I heard of one AM, with one years experience, wanting $60K, which I think is bit high.

The low unemployment rate could have something to do with it.

Also, Anon 1 said London, I reckon it's more like Sydney.

In Sydney you can get really good Coke - the stuff in Auckland is watered down with baking soda, you can wear all the stripey shirts you want with half faded jeans, you can live in a really good apartment near the places to be seen in, you get to work on really awesome brands doing really awesome work, you get paid more, the chicks wear less clothes - and the guys are really focused on their careers, you can still spike your hair into a 'fin' to hide the bald patch, and it is so what Auckland isn't

9:26 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It must be desperate times for the agencies. I heard of one gal, with no experience at all, getting $80K as starting salary. Good for them tho'!

10:42 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Account Management provides a really neat opportunity to go places in life. Especially if you get to work on wonderful career-making campaigns like The Warehouse.

10:55 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, just cause she is female and getting $80K she must be a hooker, and if the person was a male, he would have been hired on his incredible competence and intelligence, eventhough he did not have any experience?

11:04 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's correct

11:30 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop being such an angry eighties feminazi.

Are you from Wellington and part of the Helen Clarke 'Gone by Munchtime' brigade?

Correct your thick black framed glasses, adjust your triangular pink and feather earrings, and get back to writing ads with cock jokes in them.

While you're at it, learn humour.

11:45 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jello,

I love your tough love.
Want to hook up?
We can wear uniforms.

12:11 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

who let the angry geek chick in? I'm guessing she's a junior AE who wants to be a creative. prob 5'6, weighs about 68 kgs with tuck shop arms. chip on her shoulder cause no one at the agency has tried to nail her, not even Bernard from finance. am I getting warm luv?

12:24 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Angry geek chick? Guess I should have written [spoken with a soft and understanding voice, slightly sexy] or added lots of smilies. You creative types add your own tonality to everything your read.

I am not angry(or ugly for that matter, sorry), I have just worked in the industry long enough to realize a thing or two. The "fat hairy men in advertising" statement is indeed correct.

12:50 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like somebody forgot to take her daily dose of man-paste

1:04 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I make my wife wear my mothers pyjamas before we make love.

Nah, seriously, the fat hairy men in adland is quite untrue.

There are a fairly large number of women in the industry who need to diet. Many of them don't get very far. That is because thay are also ugly.

But, if you are really bright and have a great personality - and ugly - you can still do well.

But if you're ugly and talentless, then you face an uphill battle. Who wants a train wreck to front their agency?

But alas, many ugly adgals end up bitter. You can find them on Thursday and Friday nights at the Lime Bar singing crap eighties songs while getting drunk on those silly overpriced Brazillian lime and vodka drinks.

1:16 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Australia these days most agencies have roughly 1 Creative to every 10 Account Directors. I wouldn't be surprised if some did away with Creatives altogether soon. For proof see the job page in Adnews.

2:38 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Explains why Aussie advertising is so bloody corporate and rational.

You can easily spot an aussie tv ad on NZ television.

It has the proposition as an idea, the idea explained as a v/o (done in the middle and at the end as a visual tagline), and all the actors are white, blonde, and the father's all have neanderthal jawlines.

That's why there are so many AD's to creatives in Aussie.

No wonder most aussie creatives want to come here.

3:15 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Except there are even less vacancies for creatives in NZ than there are in Oz. A lot of good people out of work in OZ atm.

5:36 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get used to it.

Word has it that AC Nielsen has produced the Admaker 2000.

You feed in a kilo research data, add a puree of brand onion, season to taste with a mindless positioning lines, throw the switch and 'hey presto' you get a 30" McCain's spot.

No more messy creative presentations. No more pesky creative flights of fancy and no more shoots in the Islands.

The good old days are officially old.

11:17 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arse. There are a shite load of overpaid hacks calling themselves senior creatives working in top Sydney agencies. If they went to auck they'd be lucky to get a job at blackwood king.

12:12 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting, this post got the most comments of all posts on the blog so far. I guess there is a bit of man vs.woman, creatives vs. Account Managers, Aussie vs. Kiwi tension needing to be expressed.

8:59 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:21 am NZDT

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9:23 am NZDT

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9:24 am NZDT

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9:24 am NZDT

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9:24 am NZDT

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9:24 am NZDT

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9:24 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:25 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:25 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fool. You just wasted 3.8 seconds of my ludicrously expensive time.

6:24 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I said, London.

5:14 am NZDT


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