pitch goss anyone?
Who scooped the Audi account then?
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Mo and jo
12:26 pm NZDT
What about Lion Nathan?
1:01 pm NZDT
Actually I heard Audi had gone to Blackwood KIng...
1:50 pm NZDT
Don't you guys listen to me?
I said Lion Nathan is going to Mojo.
It's a stich up.
Always was.
2:35 pm NZDT
bout time audi moved,might even do some decent work now that it's out of the clutches of psycho marinkovich. actually if it's gone to b lackwood king then nahhh.
5:14 pm NZDT
what about Braincell?
I hear they're doing well
12:43 am NZDT
Braincell work on Harley's only. That's because the rad MD rides one.
I bet he listens to Coldplay.
9:28 am NZDT
They were celebrating last night at Mojo.
Told ya.
9:30 am NZDT
ok - bets on how long mojo will take to fuck it up with Lion?
six months, opening bid
9:40 am NZDT
Good on you, mate
10:51 am NZDT
I reckon they'll do some killer work.
They probally already have, if they won the pitch that easily.
Plus who couldn't do a good beer ad.
10:52 am NZDT
Most of the kids are underage at Mojo, so they can't sample the product unless an adult is supervising them.
10:54 am NZDT
That's 'probably'.
11:03 am NZDT
What will they rip off first do you think - The big ad or whassup?
12:43 pm NZDT
It'll be like it usually is in the NZ beer market...Start off with a half decent idea that gets strangled by numb-nuts clients, tortured by pre-testing and then shot by the Liquor Advertising Police.
Just ask Toby. I mean, they didn't start with Thirsty-homos for Export Gold, surely.
1:43 pm NZDT
agreed, hate to say it but most aussie beer ads piss all over ours.
2:01 pm NZDT
lion nathan are now doing work for audi.
drink then drive.
it's one for the kids I think..something about brand touchpoints..
2:45 pm NZDT
To the guy who said "Plus who couldn't do a good beer ad"... listen to the "numb-nuts client" guy, he knows what he's talking about.
3:37 pm NZDT
I agree. I have worked on breweries accounts for several years and I've experienced the agony that is research groups. I have witnessed what started off as original, fresh-faced ideas being pecked to death by packs of grinning idiots; being slowly digested and finally shat out as soulless, box ticking polished turds. And what's worse, suffering the humiliation of a clueless CD sending the ads to Admedia with my name attached to them.
Gee, I feel much better getting that off my chest.
6:48 pm NZDT
I third that notion.
Alcohol brands are generally double-edged swords with very sharp handles.
8:52 am NZDT
loved the recent lion red and steinlager stuff stuff though, so beautifully crafted.
12:56 pm NZDT
I'd love to work on the beer brands, good fun.
Albeit, a challenge by the sounds of it.
Some of the cliets I've experienced aren't all that bad.
Usually once you get to know them you realise they are pretty open to ideas and half the time it was those fucking suits that were holding you back.
"No they won't like it"
-Yeah right.
12:59 pm NZDT
If you haven't worked on beer you dont know what you're talking about sorry... (that prob applies to you too mojo)
8:33 am NZDT
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