Could your Doctor do this?
You've probably seen this. If you haven't you should. It's probably already sitting in your inbox at the office just waiting for you to open on Monday morning. But if you can be arsed going to this url ( the download's a bit slow ) and watching we are sure you'll agree it's worth a couple of minutes out of your weekend.
Parental Advisory: Don't open it in front of the kids. Language is very colourful. Probably not Office-Safe in some less progessive agency cultures. Check with your HR person before turning volume to full and yelling " hey you guys, come and look at this, it's bloody brill!!". You don't have an HR person? Oh.
This viral was written and performed by two young doctors from London who wash their hands more than most of us. This was probably backed ( and possibly conceived ) by Special Ops creatives from British Labour Party. Very clever. New York solved it's train strike at Xmas by throwing law at the union and threatening them with multi-bazillion dollar fines. This is much smarter. Maybe Brittania is still cool after all.
8:44 am NZDT
That's just so corny and English. I'm sure it's clever.
Who the fuck would want to live in England? No wonder most of their creatives around retirement age come out here.
8:54 am NZDT
Could you please qualify what you mean by rubbish? Is the viral rubbish, is the post rubbish? Did you really mean garbage? Should I take it from your choice of the word "rubbish" you hail from the empire? Or are you an American trying to blend it? Does this mean you have forgotten to take out the rubbish? Or were you reminding yourself to do so? Do you have a vocabulary? Can you complete a complex sentence? Do you often write rubbish? Please help us out here
2:13 pm NZDT
Okay Roly Hei-Hei, here we go:
1) By 'Rubbish' I mean that the two doctors shouldn't quit their day jobs as gynos because the soundbite / mpeg / viral or whatever you want to call it (in my opinion) is shit.
2) The viral is rubbish. The post is about the rubbish viral which in turn makes it equally rubbish.
3) Yes, I meant to spell garbage but I must have pressed the wrong keys.
4) Yes, I hail from the empire. My lifelong crusade is to travel the globe critiquing viral campaigns and reporting back to the Queen with my extensive results, some muskets and some small indigenous animals.
5) I don't answer questions that start with 'Or'
6) Yes, it means that I forgot to take out the rubbish. I like to use this blog as my personal post-it note.
7) See answer 5
8) No I don't have a vocabulary... I am engaging in telepathy with the resident hypnotist here at the 'Corky Institute for the Vocab-retarded' who is translating my thoughts into sentences.
9) Yes, I can complete a
10) As you can see from the above, yes I do often write rubbish.
I hope this clears things up. Any other questions?
11:13 am NZDT
9:27 am NZDT
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