Does anyone know how to programme a cunting Blackberry?
I bought one from ( name supplied ) of DDB in the toilets atthe Strand Tavern the other night for $50 bucks and a Viagra. It's a parallel import apparently. Can't for the life of me figure the fucker out. If you can, please email me
You could be our new IT guy. We're hiring.
Bloody computers. While I was inside writing this very comment on the new nzcc widescreen iMac, a little squall ripped through Ponsonby and pissed all over my old and now obsolete G4 powerbook with an now obsolete old PowerPC processor, which I foolishly left outside on the table. Absoutely fucking fucked. Oh well, on the bright side, it's well insured... thanks God for State. They'll understand.
2:34 am NZDT
Sorry ladies, I'll refrain from using the C word in future. Pardon my French
11:51 am NZDT
I do...
1:36 pm NZDT
You do what
10:32 am NZDT
I do know how to programme a cunting blackberry.
10:33 am NZDT
Language! Is Hunt your real name?
10:34 am NZDT
10:36 am NZDT
Good. You're hired.
10:36 am NZDT
Well my name's C. Hunt. Say it really fast.
9:16 pm NZDT
I was up all night thinking about you taking Viagra.
4:13 pm NZDT
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