Lowe shocker
I've heard through one or two sources that Vodafone's fired
Lowe as an agency. Is this complete rubbish or is there some
truth to this gossip?
A blog for the New Zealand creative advertising industry, now at www.campaignbrief.com/nz. Email news to: michael@campaignbrief.com
Its been going on for months with LOWE. Van the GM of Marketing is leaving, and if anything I bet you JWT will get the business...
11:01 am NZDT
By which you mean Assignment...?
1:19 pm NZDT
Doesn't Assignment have Teltsra Clear?
1:39 pm NZDT
Yea, but no one actually uses telstra clear, so it's not really competition.
1:41 pm NZDT
What about Daft, have they been fired too?
6:27 pm NZDT
Hope so, that wacky junk mail was really getting wacky.
Or junky? whatever.
6:39 pm NZDT
I blame management. They lost their balls and turned Vodaphone into Telecom. They even claimed that everyone hated the scribble guy phone thing.
11:04 am NZDT
rumour is bunk.
11:10 am NZDT
Possibly, but this industry cant survive without wild unsubstantiated rumours. It's our air.
11:12 am NZDT
hand on, that's just hearsay
2:13 pm NZDT
Where did you hear that?
2:27 pm NZDT
Seems Josh has already had his mark?
Just Joshing Josh.
5:16 pm NZDT
I hear that DDB are after it
1:32 pm NZDT
Is that a Honda car coming up...
8:26 am NZDT
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