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Monday, January 30, 2006

Telecom gets into big Porn

Can you imagine how pissed Ms T. Gattung must have been when one of her minions knocked politely on her door to say that they were about to spend untold millions on buying a giant pornography portal: www.ferrit.com ? Hmmm. Best practise is usually to clear up such matters before launching a new multi-million dollar on-line business. You know, checking your chosen brand name isn't shared with a US-based purveyor of XXX goodies called Pornville, based in Texas.

Anyway, somebody didn't, so they had to cough up a lot of cash. Or maybe it's just a publicity stunt to buy column inches for the faltering start-up. Whatever, this was reported on page 3 of Friday's NBR, who usually check their facts quite well before going to print.

Also in the current NBR, in their lovely, bitchy Private Bin, Ferrit gets a bit of a kicking for its advertising campaign. Worth a read.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Telecom porn, kids or animals?

3:14 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Telecom should stick to what they do best (not that they do that very well either). Trademe and other such ecommerce icons are popular because they are great sites that people want, and have come to love. Little or no advertising required. Ferrit will ultimately fail, and it will be spectacular

6:08 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree, the U.S. has Amazon. Are you saying we don't need something similar?

6:20 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

See above

12:31 pm NZDT


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