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Tuesday, January 24, 2006


From campaignbrief.blogspot.com

In preparation for AWARD’s AGM on Wednesday 15th February @ 5.30pm at The Dolphin Hotel, Surry Hills, ballot forms and nominee BIOs are being posted out today.
Calling on Gold members to vote, there are 19 nominees in the running for the 5 places available on the 2006 Committee. AWARD co-chairmen Darryn Devlin and Paul Prince remain for another term.
Ballot forms need to be completed and returned to AWARD by Monday 13th February 2006. Meanwhile, members and non-members alike, any thoughts on what AWARD got right and what it got wrong last year?"

( They look like a smug couple of bastards.Neil)


Blogger CB said...

Hmmmm. Comment from campaignbrief blog on this:

Anonymous said...

Daz and Paul did a great job in 2005 after AWARD copped such a public hiding the previous year. Hats off to them.

It's just a huge pity that all their hard work (to raise the profile and credibility) goes down the gurgler due to the consistently boring and cliched crap that their external (and highly paid) organising company 'Two De Farce' serves up.

Come on - you may know how many people it takes to change a lightbulb; but seriously, how many brains does it take to realise that serving 3-day old dog shit on a bed of rice won't pass as a meal? AND, for $200 a plate, it must have been some rare, imported dog-shit straight out of the arse of a pure-breed

A straight talker. Another:

Anonymous said...

Lynchy, why aren't you ever on the committee? We'd certainly be guaranteed a good after party!

3:53 am NZDT

Blogger CB said...

The party doesn't have to start during the ceremony however. Sshhhhhh. Respect.

4:23 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't that Ozzie tennis player Jelena Dokic's mad father, Damir, on the left?

Didn't know he was in the ad game.

1:18 pm NZDT


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