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Saturday, February 11, 2006

AIM not looking to replace CEO

Media Release
AIM Proximity expands roles of Managing Directors, Mike Cunnington and
Darryn Melrose, following departure of CEO

Auckland, 10 February 2006 - AIM Proximity, New Zealand's leading direct and
interactive marketing agency, today announced that Auckland and Wellington
Managing Directors, Mike Cunnington and Darryn Melrose, will assume greater
leadership roles following the resignation of CEO Sharon Henderson. CEO
responsibilities will be shared by the Managing Directors working alongside
AIM Proximity founder and Executive Chairman Bill Gianotti. At this stage
there are no plans to look for an immediate replacement in the CEO role.

( That's all we have time for tonight.)


Blogger CB said...

Thank you.

6:01 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many press releases are we going to be subjected to on this matter?
However, I have to say that the DDB release was better composed than the two from Aim - I thought that DMers were supposed to be good at long copy? - perhaps they need to run a workshop for their PR scribes?

10:47 pm NZDT


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