D+AD Annual 2005-where the fik can I get One?
I heard a rumour that only MEMBERS' can get one...??
By The By-If anyone can recommend a decent stockist-please let this
wonderful blog know.
Can anyone confirm the 'members only' rumour I have heard?
It's a great new approach D+AD 2005-courtesy of the dudes at spin uk.
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I'd try Borders, or Parsons, or Amazon.com.
Actually probably Amazon first (dot uk)
6:36 am NZDT
Nah it's true - you have to become a "Member" or "associate". Basically you pay 180 quid (that's about NZ$450) , or 150 quid if you've been in the book before to join, then you get a "free" copy of the Annual. You can't buy it in the shops. I tried Ebay etc but no luck.
See www.dandad.org for the bullshit details.
NZ$450 for a book that used to cost $NZ230.
It's a fuckin gip.
9:27 am NZDT
I looked at it once, where's all the articles? It's full of ads. .
3:30 pm NZDT
Yeah actually, that does suck. Mind you, the upside is they're letting Kiwi jurors in...
10:20 pm NZDT
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