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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Frickin' 42 Below does it again. Again

This was well covered in the NZ Sundays last weekend but:

42 Below is in the pooh again after offering the opportunity to go to Russia on a bride hunt.

The 42 promo by Consortium (no!) offers the winner(s) a trip to Moscow to join a "find-a-bride" tour, praising Russian women because "they don't care if you watch cricket on Valentine's Day, hell they don't even care if you're short and fat".

Good news for NZ cricket.

In 42 Below online stuff, British are singled out for special treatment in an ad which describes the Queendom as the "shining ginger-headed jewel of the Atlantic" and Prince Philip as the "grandfather Kiwis never had because all ours were shot dead at Gallipoli" So true.

So, why isn't fricking Parsons answering his mobile this week?

(Loosely based on the CB blog story with additional local reporting.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happened to see the mail out to liquor stores last week. Fucking genius. Should take out all the DM categories going this year. Copy worth entering too.

12:43 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of entering. I once asked darryl to father my child. It was good, if not a bit uncomfortable, no baby was produced. I may try to civil unionize him instead. I personally think 'client of the year' is the biggest wank ever, but Mr Ross should surely be the world wide client of this and last century.

8:09 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyone got a link to the work?

10:51 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good shit. Darryl's a legend. Hope he does have the spare dosh to enter it into Axis.

10:56 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very funny. Marketting that won't do crap for the business long term.

If they want to sell their spirts to mass market they have to get smarter than this and the company needs it. Sales that is.

I don't drink the stuff, I am not gay and don't hang out with mail order brides so I think i will stick to absolute.

9:18 am NZDT


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