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Saturday, February 11, 2006

Notes from nzcreative circle IT

We were spammed overnight my a dubious company pushing Photoshop. This happens rarely, as there's a bit of effort involved - like they, the spammer can't just push it out - he or she has to go through the random word verification process which is designed to stop automated spammers getting through and shitting all over the blog.

Lynchy actually has quite a bit of trouble with this, though his tend to be more malicious. We are trying to fix this - and a move off blogspot onto a local server, probably ICONZ, is in the pipe.

Note to spammers. Don't bother. What's the point? You're not going to sell any product and all you are doing is damaging a brand. In this case, Adobe Photoshop.

Have a nice weekend,

Hunt ( not my real name)

nzcc it

Update: The Photoshop spammer was at www.photoworkshopdownload.com, and they're as dodgy as a Publicis charity ad. Don't go near them.


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