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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Cleese crucifies Palmy Nth on podcast site

The double latte spurted through my nostrils on reading page 5 of the Herald this morning. JC ( the funny one) reportedly panned Palm Springs ( the NZ one) on his podcast site.

Cleese spent the best part of a month or more here late last year testing and touring his one-man stageshow. The Herald quotes him as saying " If you want to kill yoursel;f and haven't the courage to, I think a visit to PN will do the trick". He said the audience laughed in all the wrong places and were very strange to play to.

Palmy North's Mayor responded by saying perhaps the medications he referred to during the show were the problem. Ha ha ha.



PS : Not a lot of people know this, but, as well as basing FT on a Christchurch B/B, Cleese surrendered his virginity at the old Station Hotel in Beach Rd Auckland in 1964. Apparently true.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't have been Mushroom season there, then...

Or maybe it was.

10:05 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Chris Latham of the Queensland Reds claimed they lost to the Chiefs on the weekend because Hamilton is sooooo fuckin' boring that they had nothing to do pre-match which led to the entire team becoming fat and lazy from watching TV and pieing out all week.

I propose a battle between Palmy and the Tron to decide exactly which town is less shit.

To the victor goes the spoils.

10:07 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

For years Cleese has been claiming that he based FT on a hotel he and the cast of Monty Pyton stayed at in the south of England. Maybe that's why not a lot of people know that he based it on a Christchurch B&B. Unless he means Christchurch near Bournemouth of course.

12:24 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...


If I was forced to choose, I'd rather live in H Town.

12:27 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seem to recall Hamilton promoting itself with the line "Where it all happens." An example of the Big Lie school of propaganda?

1:19 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it was all gooing off in H. What was that "agency" they have there? Rednam?

7:34 pm NZDT

Blogger CB said...

If you read Cleese the Biography * the best one, about 10 years old), the best one....you will find a large part on thedir tour of NZ as naive grads in 1964. Including ChCh B/B etc. Why do you think he came out here to play his show for the first time? Nostalgia....

7:55 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow that's interesting

8:21 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 1971 the cast of MPFC booked into the Glenagles Hotel in Torbay and met Donald Sinclair, the owner. FT was based on this. See Graham Chapman's biog 'A Liars Biography'. Apparently everyone except Cleese went to another hotel because they couldn't stand it at the Gleneagles. Cleese stayed on to study the bloke. Obviously Cleese selectively recalls the inspiration for the series to suit his purposes.

10:38 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quite right. See http://www.btinternet.com/~c.tomlinson/fawlty.htm

10:40 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder in how many places Cleese lost his virginity?

10:41 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am Dunedin.

2:54 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Timaru. See it, feel it, smell it, taste it'. Or something like that.

2:57 pm NZDT


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