A blog for the New Zealand creative advertising industry, now at www.campaignbrief.com/nz. Email news to: michael@campaignbrief.com

Friday, March 24, 2006

Hi: from Johannes


I am a conceptor from Amsterdam, who is graduated from the Hallo� Academy
for applied creativity and concept creation, Amsterdam. I later completed
an internship at KesselsKramer in Amsterdam

Then did stints at many Amsterdam agencies before becoming freelance in

I am coming to NZ and I think there are not many jobs for concept makers


Don�t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!


Blogger CB said...

Bloogers, help this guy out if he turns up on at your agency one day ; Johnannes, we have no idea of your contact details but if you flick an email to faxheidi@gmail.com, we can provide you with info.

3:21 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

bring some of that good shit with ya. We'll compare it against the Glenn Innes black power stock.
No work here...but good surf

2:55 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:07 pm NZST


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