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Friday, March 24, 2006

New and good from Tribal DDB


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Slightly reminiscent of a print campaign from last year for a chocolate drink but....for a very good cause. Support it.


3:44 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice one erik

4:35 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Mum.

4:45 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure that's quite fair to say it looks like the milk drink stuff. It's an illustrative style. And if everyone had to come up with a new style every time we did something new we'd be working 24-7.

5:05 pm NZST

Blogger CB said...

We are working 24 fucking -7. That's the nature oif the job.

Personally, I've taken a few weeks out to do something else ( sort shit out ) and it's amazingly refreshing. Been doing filmy things, telly things, writey things. Actually....

11:49 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice one Erik.

2:32 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric or Erik?

7:35 pm NZST


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