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Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Pond - Australasia’s first floating Creative Department.

The Pond is filling up fast!
Celebrating its first six months and a pool of new inhabitants, The
Pond has moved from “a good idea hatched over a few beers,“ to
officially becoming Australasia’s first floating creative department.

Made entirely of freelance creatives from different creative
backgrounds, the Pond has a depth of resource with new arrivals Al
Dickman, ex-London Creative Director, Mark Irving, fresh quirky
writer, and just back from Sydney, Hamish Grieve - now featuring on
the home page.

This brings the total to six writers and four art directors with
diverse skills and a variety of team combos such as all-girl teams,
all-guy teams and girl-guy-girl teams.

The long-term vision is to freshen up the standard of freelance
creative and make it a more viable, creative option for agencies
moving forward in a tightening market. To this end the Pond is also
looking to attract top ex-agency talent and CDs to work the
Australasian scene.


The Pond does not service clients direct and plans to build its
existing agency affiliations by introducing new ways of working to the
advertising, design and interactive market.

For more info, contact Leighton on 021702573 or Sue on 021668835. You
can also visit the website to eye up some freelance talent and view
new concepts by members on The Pond home page.


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