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Sunday, March 12, 2006

Potty mouths.

Just reading Sunday papers.

If bloody is listed at number 21 out of 22 on the Broadcasting
Authority's unacceptable words list and bugger is at anumber 22...
what are the rest?

I don't think I fucking know that many! What bollocks.

See you Tuesday,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the phrase you meant was "C U Next Tuesday" Mr Potty Mouth poster.


4:27 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bastard is on that list.

11:46 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How disppointing. Do you New Zealanders not know any more? Surely. It must be the NCEA. I myself know the names of most body parts and can tell people where to go and why in 7 different languages. For example - do you know what is the Swedish expression is for C U next tuesday? Or two make love like two mad dogs?

7:19 pm NZDT


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