Emmanuel and Guy are It
Well bloogers, Bougneres and Denniston from Publicis/Mojo have been handed Blood's chalice and the big job of preparing the next issue of the MPA's magazine with their name on it. An emotional Andy Blood, speaking at the launch of his magazine at Magazzino Newmarket last night, said their idea was the best he'd ever seen. You'll just have to get a copy and see if you agree. I am sure one of the nice people from the MPA will let us know where you can get a copy and I suspect they'll put more than a few into creative departments all around the city in the newt few days.
H x
Do you want to give him a fucking Pulitzer? My god, this industry makes me laugh.
9:18 am NZST
You should read the 'Oswald Beesening' 8 page feature.
That man deserves a pullitzer.
9:24 am NZST
I think you'll find the Pulitzer is restricted to US-based publications.
10:00 am NZST
Whooah - ehhh?! That Blood magazine's the shitznit. Well done all you fullahs. You deserve a good ol' massage. I learnt how to massage up in Whangarei. Check it, and big ups to MPA. You guyz are the business! Sheezie!!
12:59 pm NZST
AB - unfortunately I don't have page 8. Ran out of toliet paper last night.
1:17 pm NZST
I particularly like page 112.
2:22 pm NZST
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