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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Link to Colenso's NZI

For those of you who don't watch TV:



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I never spew anything on this blog but maybe the hosts could get the client name/title right so as to, er just get it right?. It's NZI, thats NZI. Thats not AMP, at all, nothing like it.

1:37 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting side point: NZI is actually an Australian owned company.

2:54 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a dirty disgrace.

4:41 pm NZST

Blogger CB said...

Sorry about the name errorr - bloody insurance companies and their acronyms. Clearly a branding problem.
Believe NZI is owned by IAG - oh look, another acronym

7:39 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

laughed a lot when we got the 42 below ads in the UK but how could you present that as a creative concept to a client - jeesshh

3:04 am NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make sure your client used to work in advertising.

12:56 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw it hard on the heels of the kiwi bank thing (a ripoff itself, of course, of that Flight of the Conchords thing for some UK Telco) and thought it was for the same client. Or is it just that every marketing manager out there wants their very own "L&P"?

While we're here, nice to see SPOT wasn't dead at all, just waiting for the call from Pizza Hut. Woof!

10:54 pm NZST


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