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Sunday, April 02, 2006

Madness from regulatory bodies Part 1.

Tragic news, bloogers : The Lynx Mile High Club work from Lowes somewhere overseas somewhere featuring Brazillian models has been ruled offensive and axed by the Ad Stadards Complaints Authority.

This is after complaints from unspecified womens' groups.

Apparently the Lynx commercials exploit and degrade women and are likely to cause serious offense.

I personally see nothing wrong with a short skirt and a little Wonderbra and this is why I had a couple of bit parts in 5th Element.

Clearly these people, they have not seen how people are dressing for work these days. At agencies, anyhow.

Heidi x


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tragedy indeed. How bloody stupid of ASCA.

What the hell is happening in this country - political correctness gone mad. They let Export Gold and Tui through - ads which blatantly encourage young people to drink - and then they cut this.

5:49 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:49 PM "ads which blatantly encourage young people to drink " Golly! They are both beer ads,wouldn't be doing their job if the didn't advocate consumption,but how precisely are they targeting the young?
The Lynx stuff is a sleazy wank-stain all tarted up with flash lighting.It's gratuitous.

11:47 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

so what? it's funny.

11:46 am NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can a campaign that has led to world record sales of Lynx (owned by Unilever) be gratuitous? The campaign (created in Australia by Lowe Hunt) is aimed at young males (who do shag and wank a lot), not impotent, grumpy old men like you.

12:50 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah. gratuitous what?

2:54 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The grumpy impotent old man (thats me) did not write that it wasn't funny or that it wasn't effective,its both,but hell he aint surprised that a tarted up wank fantasy is offensive to letter writers who do not share his point of view.
The Poms didn't care much for "Where the bloody hell are you".Respecting differences of opinion ALSO applies to advertising creatives.
I'll back pedal on the gratuitous comment however;young men do shag and wank a lot.Aptly put,but lets not refer to that sort of carry on before 9:30 pm please.Which is after I've gone to bed.To wank.And be grumpy.

4:39 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude could you please push the space bar after your full stops.

Do you work at Ogilvy?

10:15 am NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:42 pm NZST


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