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Sunday, April 02, 2006

Mike O' off to D&AD

Saatchi NZ ECD Mike O'Sullivan arrived in London this weekend for the D&AD Congress which begins Monday - the first time in D&AD's history they have invited judges from NZ and Australia.

Mike O' will be on the Writing for Judging jury ; what they used to call Copywriting, but no longer do.

If you've ever tried to explain to someone (usually a relative) what you do and said you're a copywriter and they say " what do you copy?" you'll understand completely.

especially if they then ask you if you think up the slogans.


( Intersting detail - Mike O is an art director, if it came to fist-fight)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So how come an irish art director gets the gig?

7:43 pm NZST


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