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Thursday, April 27, 2006

MTC backs into AdWorks Ogilvy

Confirmed minutes ago by someone who knows.

That may be a surprise for some of you but clearly MTC has been preparing itself for some sort of sale for a while - Roy and Jeremy have both stepped back, the name changed, Josh and Jamie are brought on etc. But the loss of business recently will have made this a more expedient option.

AdWorks Ogilvy will be buying creative reputation, a bit of magic, some flash people and a few pretty good brands. But expect there to be some casualties - creatively at least it will probably be a reverse takeover.

It will be interesting to learn what the new entity will be called.


Update: Fastline says "AdWorks Ogilvy md Greg Partington has been in secret negotiations with MTC for some time, and the two have penned a deal which will see Adworks buy out MTC and absorb all staff. The senior creative team at MTC will take over the running of the brand side of the Ogilvy business and have carte blanche hiring, firing and reorganising authority over the new combined creative department. The retail side of the Ogilvy remains unscathed."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

MTC Ogilvy is my bet.

3:53 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meat Trading Works

4:10 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crikey. Bring back the chief.

5:12 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ogilvy is my bet...

5:19 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noooooo, MTC is a good agency and Adworks is a joke.

5:55 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I doubt the MTC will disappear, because that's a strong brand in this market - that's kind of what Singos/WPP are buying isn't it?

7:28 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

All they're buying is the client list, not the talent. Just like when SOM, um, merged with Adworks, no one decent will stay. Then again, they ARE handy to a Subway, and that's not a bad lunch for $4.95.

9:25 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would make sense if there was ever any talent at SOM.

10:37 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Without Roy and Jeremy what would be the point. Changing their name belatedly didn't change the fact that it wasa company based on the cult of personality. Maybe they are washed up? The Rabobank campaign doesn't seem to have moved an inch formward from the stuff those two were doing in the 80's (blimey - that makes it seem a long time ago).

I also reckon that, if you take M&T out of the mix clients will walk. They are famous for having clients in their back pockets - who's that chick who went from Xenical to Simpson Grierson (not as far a stretch as you might think), the guy from Arnott's in the 80's who hire them to do that dire stuff for the online bank that went belly up (or was it an insurance company, I don't think anybody ever understood the great opus - a pastiche of the amazing phots of the Serra Pelada mine in Brazil)...Peter Maher?
Anyway...think about it. Why are the clients there? Because of Meares' reputation and charisma. Without him in the chair why go for the ride?

10:50 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

More Tedious Crap O ?

10:56 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure what exactly will happen. All I know is that Drew doesn't have a proven track record for great work and there's four creatives at MTC who do. Interesting to see what will happen. Maybe he should've taken that CD gig at Lavender afterall.

8:49 am NZST

Blogger CB said...

CB hears MTC and AdvertisingWorks Ogilvy are merging, to be named Ogilvy, with combined billings of around $110m, making it one of the top four in NZ.
Sources say AdWorks Ogilvy MD Greg Partington has done the deal which will see Adworks buy out MTC and absorb all staff. MTC owners Jeremy Taine and Roy Meares will help run the combined business, while Josh Lancaster and Jamie Hitchcock, the senior creative team at MTC will be joint CDs of the brand side of the Ogilvy business. The retail side of the Ogilvy remains unchanged.

12:20 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm...here's my guess - you're all a bunch of sad sacks. Lighten up.

12:40 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

and what happens to Drew?

1:14 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

As 8.49am says, Drew withdrew from Lavender, which left them without Drew and supposedly the new agency also withdrew Drew who will be Drew-less going forward... I guess.

3:08 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If staff retention and creative excellence is anything to go by, MTC staffers are in trouble.Shit starts from the man at the top and unfortunately it stains everyone.

3:53 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:08 said "going forward."

Minus 10 points.

4:57 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:55 has it right: MTC is a good agency. That's why they got bought. I think it's just what ogilvys need. Good on you fullas.

10:55 am NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drew resigned today. Not fair, but there you go.

7:57 pm NZST


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