A blog for the New Zealand creative advertising industry, now at www.campaignbrief.com/nz. Email news to: michael@campaignbrief.com

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

worstadsontv - coming soon

In an attempt to pre-empt Fair Go, and get a real feeling for what is truly shit, nzcreativecircle is establishing a sister site.

Well, not so much a sister site as a weird second cousin who came to stay for a summer while her Mum was in Carrington getting ECT.

To that end, we're calling for your nominations for worstadsontv. This will be a running blog devoted to low budget rubbish. To the worst examples of creative skills money can buy. To mindless strategy and lazy suiting. To appalling production values and the stupidity of clients.

In short - we think it'll go off like a media chick at a CAANZ do.

Please email any ideas or nominations or, even better, examples as mpegs to:



nzcreativecircle research dept.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like it. I have a nominee from Australia.

11:03 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I nominate Coke Zero. & the one with the lady making crochet covers for her air freshener, what the?

11:26 am NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Easy Off BAM! and the client is gone.

4:48 pm NZST


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