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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Mini street posters

These are pretty cool, if it hasn't been done b4.
I'm talking about the block of blurry ones,
then the one saying test drive a mini.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that you Huse?

3:07 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got a link?

3:16 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Done. 1978. Argentina.

3:31 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

where can these be seen

4:46 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

kyber pass rd

5:50 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

obviously a scam. No one drives along khyber pass rd. And who has ever heard of the client?

7:17 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was done in in Moscow in 1987, for a vodka company that wasn't very big at the time. Copy of a scam.

9:22 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

same idea over and over again.

9:48 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No checked on google, it hasn't been done. You guys are all shit. It's genuis us here at Colenso are the best.

9:45 am NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Young team from Colenso did 'em.

11:37 am NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen loads of ads for minis. Where's the originality in advertising today.

3:17 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:02 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that was supposed to be funny.

9:11 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

nope too clever. saw it. thought i was pissed or that those cheeky buggers had stuck them up even though they had rooted the printing. went past again. still blurry. not pissed. and now...it's for mini ! brilliant. i got it three days later. must be one of those 'interactive' ads.

4:29 pm NZST


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