The unique internship program operated by DDB Sydney and FBI Recruitment for students and young creatives is set to be expanded to DDB’s offices in both Melbourne and Auckland with a series of recruitment evenings scheduled to take place in the coming month.
The expansion will see DDB Auckland and DDB Melbourne now also offering three-month placements to promising creative talent for the first time in the scheme’s five year history. In addition the search for Australia and New Zealand’s brightest talent will now be expanded beyond the traditional pool of AWARD School graduates to actively welcome promising applicants from advertising, design, creative and other relevant courses run by colleges and universities.
The LaunchPad program, which is operated in conjunction with FBI Recruitment, offers those selected the chance to work for one of the top creative agencies in Australia and New Zealand. The lucky candidates will be tackling live client briefs over the 12 week period with a real opportunity to stock their portfolios with a broad range of real work. This may mean they find themselves working on a wide mix of internationally-recognised clients ranging from McDonalds to Volkswagen to Cadbury to Durex.
As recently as August this year, DDB Sydney offered two full time positions to new creatives, Alexander Stainton and Iggy Rodriguez, who had both recently completed LaunchPad internships.
Matt Eastwood, national creative director of DDB Australia is driving the expansion: “Around ninety per cent of the creatives who complete our LaunchPad program find full-time employment at an agency within weeks of graduating. Many of them have gone on to make real names for themselves both here and overseas. The huge advantage is that if you’ve got talent and you’re prepared to put the work in, you’ll end up with a really strong portfolio and some real agency experience.”
Interested candidates are invited to attend a series of introductory briefing evenings at DDB Sydney, DDB Melbourne and DDB New Zealand, hosted by Matt Eastwood in Australia (below pic) and DDB executive creative director Paul Catmur (top pic) in New Zealand.
The evenings will give hopeful LaunchPad interns the chance to drop-off their portfolios, meet some of the current DDB creatives and receive a live brief to be taken away for consideration. Decisions will then be made based on the strength of the original portfolio and the response to the brief.
Recruitment evenings take place in Sydney on Friday, September 29th, Melbourne on Wednesday, October 4th and Auckland on Friday, October 6th.
Interested candidates should register with FBI Recruitment on-line at www.fbirecruitment.com or contact Virginia Adler – FBI candidate manager on: +61 (0)2 9247 4755, email virginia@fbirecruitment.com
Testimonials from former LaunchPad creatives now working in both Australia and New Zealand are available on request.
Sounds like a great way to get more free and cheap labour to help justify the more expensive salaries in a shrinking market full of clients wanting ideas for nothing.
Thats what happens when agencies sell out the worth of an idea and try and make money out of the color photocopier.
It becomes harder to make the money they should. Something has to give, in this case young talent who will work for free.
Not a complaint, just an observation.
4:37 pm NZST
Valid. Not to mention the glory hounds who glance at a scamp once then pin their (more famous) names onto a junior's concept, making a phone-book-sized list of credits.
9:12 am NZST
Lets be clear Saatchis are the only ones that do that.
I wanted to hire a creative down there, trouble was it took me and the recruitment man a week to work out who had come up with half the ideas in his book. the only thing we knew was that it wasn't Mike O idea. gave up in the end. poached from another agency.
11:05 am NZST
No they give other teams the juniors work.
So they can put their names on it. Depends whose arse you lick really.
2:39 pm NZST
Flesh blood + desperately eager young talent + impressionable minds + "LaunchPad" = EXPLOITATION.
4:08 pm NZST
We should do a Public Service Campaign.
"Help save the Jnr Creatives".
We enter it in awards - would be huge.
11:25 pm NZST
That picture of Catmur gives me a wet
11:02 pm NZST
In your mangina
12:46 pm NZST
sounds like another. nz girl ad. good work ddb. classic
love your work
12:34 pm NZDT
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