La Luna, the new 3D Animation studio at Kelly Park Film Village in Silverdale, Auckland has lured Jeneal Rohrback, former creative director of Y&R, to act as their consultant and creative representative.
One of the many projects and productions Rohrback will be involved in is the ‘The Magic Shoes,’ which has attracted Academy Award winner Robert Duvall, best known for his roles in The Godfather, Apocalypse Now and the Untouchables.
Rohrback says, “This is a fantastic and hugely exciting opportunity for me. It not only gives me a chance to use my skills in different ways and travel extensively, but learn new things as well. It gives me freedom to expand on the other ventures I’m planning and keep a finger in the ad world too. It’s a dream job that will only get bigger”.
Cris Casares is the director of La Luna and the brains behind The Magic Shoes, a comedy and adventure set in Buenos Aires in the colourful Latin district of La Boca. The story revolves around the hardships of the Toscanelli family and Carlitos, the son, who is inspired by the Tango and Elena, his wealthy and beautiful dance partner.
Duvall will be executive producer advisor on the film as well as the voice for the main character Troesma.
“It’s a huge honour to have Duvall involved. Not only did he love the story, but he’s an avid Tango dancer as well. It’s a perfect fit”, says Casares.
“Jeneal is also a perfect fit for this project, and the whole business. She’s a people person with great management and creative skills and she knows the film production and advertising industry really well. That’s key to our success. She’s going to have a very busy time with us. ”
The Magic Shoes will be the first major theatrical 3D feature film done in New Zealand and will premiere in New Zealand and worldwide cinemas in 2008.
Rohrback will start her new role in October 2006 and you can contact her on
+64 (0) 21 657821 or
Nice one Jeneal.
10:45 am NZST
Exotic travel, famous people, the magical world of film. Sounds like a lot of fun.
OK everyone, back to work. Those DLE leaflets won't write themselves.
11:17 am NZST
poor jeneal, writing dle's-no wonder she shot thru.
8:27 pm NZST
What a dynamic duo! Pretty too. Put these two talented and creative women together and the sky is the limit. Jeneal comes up smelling like roses by reinventing herself again. She has added another dimension to her already jam-packed repertoire and La Luna will reap the benefits. Talent such as this cannot be wasted.
10:32 am NZST
David, I thought you didn't read this site.
11:11 am NZST
I think that was Jeneal talking about herself in the third.
5:16 pm NZDT
Okay guys, give me a break! Jeneal is talented, pretty, creative , but she is not egotistical!
7:53 am NZDT
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