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Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Cheeky new TV work for Frank via Colenso BBDO, Auckland, part of a multi media campaign.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it just me or are these trying to be funny but failing? They miss the mark somehow..

9:15 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

First one is hilarious. I feel this will have some great executions across other media.

Let me at it!

10:24 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice idea though, but agree, the executions a bit wayward.

Mind you Joe Punter must like it; last week in the Mercury Lane Supermarket the shelves were stocked and this week there was none. Zip. Zero even.

Based on that, should pay off at the Effies.


10:31 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved them when I was emailed 5 of them. But I thought the 10 second spot felt quite short when I saw it on TV. I still think they are great, especially the way they are shot and the VO. Wish I'd done them.

6:37 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:40 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frankly, they're flat - they don't cross the line.

Good product though.

9:35 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good. Simple. Cheap. I love it! Nice to see a big agency do some down and out great work that doesn't take itself too seriously. Like that sad Primo campaign aimed at 'look at me' ad wankers!

10:54 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better than the print.

11:58 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ‘refreshingly honest’ gag has been done by at least two other drinks brands in the last couple of years. And these ads definitely benefit from the greater latitude you get online.

Having said all that, I reckon they’re pretty ace. Keep it up, May-dok.

2:02 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog is in a pretty bad way when people don't have the guts to call themselves anonymous and hide behind this "Darryl Parsons" label. Anyone know who he really is? I'm picking Anonymous.

8:36 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:02 - What are the names of these other two drinks brands and can you please supply examples of their ads?

12:12 pm NZDT


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