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Wednesday, January 24, 2007


NZCC hears that New Zealand will have a record representation on various juries at Cannes this year. Although not yet official sources say that Saatchi's Mike O'Sullivan will judge Film, Clemenger BBDO's Duster will judge Outdoor, TBWA\Whybin's Andy Blood will judge Promo, AIM Proximity's Matt Shirtcliffe will judge Direct, and Kevin Blight from Mitchell's will judge the Media Lions.
In addition, NZCC hears that Saatchi's Tom Eslinger will chair the Cyber Lions jury, the first kiwi to chair a Cannes jury.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom Eslinger is an American.

8:04 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Now, what all the fuss about over at LOWE?? Laying off long time staffers Daniel & Paul? That's loyalty for ya!


8:14 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to mention the accents of Mike O and Andy Blood!

Still, if their hearts are in NZ, which they seem to be, I guess that counts as 'kiwis' judging?

1:56 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of the CDs I know (the good ones, anyway) are poms.

10:29 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets play a game.... ?

Google (NZ) Mike O'Sullivan

Now Google

Darran Wong Kam
Darryl Parsons
Kim Thorp
Abo Abramowitz
Andy Blood
Oliver Maisey
Hywel James
Chrissie Lahood
Tim Huse
Howard Grieve
Richard Maddocks
Len Potts
Jill Brinsdon
Roy Meares
Daniel Crayford
Jeremy Taine
Toby Talbot
Matt Simpkins
James Blackwood

12:43 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom E isn't kiwi, he's half man and half machine.

10:09 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got no mike os that we know but i got darran straight away

11:48 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:43 - Please spare us the work, I'm fuckin busy - what happens?

7:07 pm NZDT


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