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Wednesday, March 14, 2007


The New York Festivals have invited several New Zealand and Australian judges for the international advertising competition 2007. They join judges representing over 30 countries from around the world. All up there are 54 people in the TV Panel, another 54 in the Print Panel and 40 in the Posters Panel. Plus additional judges in radio and TV technical categories.

New Zealand:

Toby Talbot (pictured), ECD, DDB Auckland – TV.
Paul Catmur, ECD, Y&R Australia/NZ, Auckland/Melbourne – posters.
James Mok, CD, FCB Auckland – print.
David Brady, creative, FCB Auckland – print.
Steve Martin, CD, Terabyte – Interactive.
Ian Gibbons, EP, Exile Films – TV technical.

Ron Mather, ECD, The Cavalry, Melbourne – print.
Danny Searle (pictured), ECD, Clemenger BBDO, Sydney – print.
Michael Stanford, CD, GPYR, Sydney – TV.
Adam Hunt, CD, BWM Sydney – posters.
Shaun Branagan, ECD, Netx Sydney – interactive
David Denneen, Director, Film Graphics Sydney – TV technical.
Michael Cook, EP, The Feds Sydney – TV technical.
Brad Power, Director, Stella Radio.
Keith Fowle, Director, Voice Plant.

Other prominent judges in the region include Murphy Chou, ECD, Ogilvy & Mather, Shanghai, Anthony Wong, ECD, M&C Saatchi, Kuala Lumpur, Farrokh Madon, ECD, BBDO, Singapore, Richard Yu, ECD, Bates, Taipei and Carol Lam, ECD, McCann Erickson, HK.

Preliminary and final judging which will be online will commence the final week in March. The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony in New York on June…. Anybody who has not entered but wishes to can go to www.newyorkfestivals.com.au to request a deadline extension. Categories include newspaper/magazines, posters, direct response/direct mail, tv and cinema advertising, radio advertising, design, website advertising and design, alternative media and students. The absolute late entry deadline will be this Friday March 16th.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sheesh, not another friggin Talbot picture!

4:59 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't really see why you would enter the NY Festival. The statue is ugly. The clios are different. They make a very classy toilet roll holder. Take a dump at Pete Force's house sometime and see what I mean.

The other awards I dont get are D&AD, One Show and Award. Given that their credibility is built on originality, dont you think it is weird that all three awards are the same idea? Wonder who copied who?


3:42 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

48 hours and not a single comment about the photo? What's this blog coming to?

8:42 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

While all these guys are away can they decide how to put the value back into Axis.

Just because you don't win doesn't mean it's irrelevant. Maybe the standards exceed the general output of most agencies.

9:16 am NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do these people ever do any work ? It appears when you look below that they are forever on junkets to award shows............

12:04 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I kind of prefer the previous photo.

7:36 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Toby, bring back the pic of you as a maori warrior. This new PR pic blows. It looks like you're out of a David Fincher film.

3:52 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm surprised Mike had anything to do with his art being ab... used like this.

7:32 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imagine if any of these imports actually did any work - being away at awards all the time would bring the whole industry to a halt.

8:51 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean Toby supplied that picture as an 'official' one? I'm amazed.

I thought it was just the CB guys messing around in Photoshop in an idle moment.


Anyone care to deconstruct the shot? What was the SMP?

9:59 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

awards are a joke, everyone's got them. they are worthless.

my mate who judged D&AD got over 10 cash bribes. you do the math, one larger than 10k in pound. i was a little shocked, but it does not surprise.

you lot do the maths.

awards are set up by globals to keep them a float.

10:29 pm NZDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a wank.

2:45 am NZST


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