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Wednesday, April 11, 2007


A full list of NZ Acceptances at D&AD is yet to be released, but early news is that Saatchi & Saatchi has three In Book acceptances, namely the Bose print campaign, the Tiger Beer TVC (viral) and TVNZ 'Finding Nemo - Sushi'.
Publicis Mojo has two: Campaign to Ban Landmines 'ketchup' and Amnesty International 'Sudan'.
Clemenger BBDO Wellington has one for World Press Photo.
Any others out there, let us know in the Comments.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what most of this work is. All well deserved. Does anyone know which Bose campaign got in. I've seen a few from Saatchi this year.

6:57 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Y&R BNZ pigs

7:21 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

DDB Best Press Release

8:41 am NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apart from Blood Magazine (deemed an ineligle media by Axis and AWARD) the only place that sauce ever ran was in Mojo's kitchen.

Good idea, pitty it's a scam, but that's all you need these days- so well done.

I have another great spot to go on sauce, who do i call to book the media? Mc Donalds?

11:21 am NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love that 'Tiger Beer' spot, well shot by Jesse & Film Construction.

11:59 am NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something also smells fishy about that Finding Nemo idea.

3:09 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Tiger' is one of the best ideas out of NZ in a long time. Well done Saatchi and Film Construction.

3:38 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

11.21 - Yes the Sachets ran in Blood Magazine. 18,000 of them were also handed out with chips by Catering Services at Rugby Games around NZ. 10000 of them were handed out in a street appeal. And they were served with Fish and Chips in a parliamentary meal during Landmine week - does this clear that up for you??

9:34 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the judges were wrong to dismiss my Harvey Norman mailer I sent in straight off the bat. Elitist blighty scum. D&AD? More like D&ANazi.

11:39 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tiger is good, not great. Execution is much better than idea.

2:41 am NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Landmines job is a scam ad for a scam client of a scam agency. Tiger, on the other hand, is a real job, for a real brand, by a real agency.

11:16 am NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'd do better running a campaign using fake landmines to ban ketchup. More kiwis will be killed by sugar 'n' sodium than will ever see the front end of a Claymore.

4:41 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And how much money did the landmine campaign pull in? How much was donated, and how much was actually sent over to Sudan?

I haven't seen a figure published so I can only presume that it was a lot less than, say, the cost of entering it in D&AD.


9:05 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, landmine messages handed out at rugby games.

All credibility was lost when, almost as if an after-thought, you mentioned it was handed out in the Beehive.

Was this an initiative to coincide with Landmine Week? I doubt it. It was a scam. It will always be seen as a scam. Scams do not help careers.

9:36 am NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoahh. There seems to be a few people on this blog with the cliched NZ tall poppy syndrome. Although I do agree that the ad is a fringe ad (not a big budget for a mainstream client,) I am also jealous I didn't do it. And I think, let the truth be told - the creatives that are bagging the sauce packet are secretly of the same opinion. Also, it has to be said that there's a lot of scammage in the industry which is far more blatant. The guide dog from TV3's Invisible Man, that was left to run around Aotea Square for ten minutes, anyone? And how about DDB's Superman ad being printed out on the work printer? I think if you start throwing stones as to what's scam and what's not scam, you might be surprised. If mojo says 18,000 were handed out at the Rugby, and I'm inclined to believe them, then that's a fair number, and a damn sight more than most DM in NZ.

6:55 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, you're judging the credibility of the work on the fact that a print run of 18,000 is "a damn sight more than most DM in NZ"? If that's the case, Star Alliance, whose print runs are usually in the millions, is surely up for Best In Show.

What I'd like to know is how much money was raised? How much was actually sent overseas?

Perhaps the reason we haven't seen any figures is because the only money Mojo sent overseas was attached to award entry forms...

8:21 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:21pm, this is 6.55pm. Yeah you might well be right, but my point was more the fact that I think a good percentage of award winners from NZ agencies have won stuff from fringe iniatives that didn't really do much in terms of helping the client out. Is it good or bad? I'm not sure. It definitely helps to showcase great ideas but the only agencies from my knowledge that doesn't do scams and enter them are M&C and Y&R and both of those agencies aren't exactly in the top three, creatively, in NZ.

5:55 pm NZST


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