A blog for the New Zealand creative advertising industry, now at www.campaignbrief.com/nz. Email news to: michael@campaignbrief.com

Friday, May 04, 2007


After 33 years, the caxtons are being relaunched, and the caxton people, led by chairman Tom Moult (pictured), chairman of Havas Australia, have issued an invitation to NZ creatives to hear details of the relaunch at Soul restarant at 6pm on Tuesday 22 May.
RSVP to alice@twodeforce.com.au.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are the Caxtons?

6:54 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

6.54 The Caxtons are an award.

As an industry it is shameful that we dont make an effort to acknowledge some of the great ideas that are created. We are to shy to celebrate great work, pat people on the back and hand out little metal statues. I look foward to a day where the ad industry isnt shy about saying 'good on us' I hope we see awards being created around the world in every market and there's the chance for ad people to enter awards in every market. For example.You could do a great ad and win an award in france and england and three different awards in the US then people would know how good your ad was and how good you were. The award people could create hundreds of different categoryes so there were lots of chances to stick in lots of different work and lots more people could win awards. The people running the awards could charge heaps but ad people would pay becasue it wasnt their money it was their agency's money and creative directors from round the world could be incvited to judge these awards to give them credibility and the pressure would then be on the creative directors who were judges to enter lots of work from their own agency, effectively paying for themselves to attend anyway.
This is the way I hope the ad industry goes anyway but I'm not sure. We just dont seem very good at celebrating our cleverness.

5:36 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wouldn't it be great 5:36....and we all could have an award! what the f**k are we? hairdressers for dogs? if you're so desperate for some ad fame, strip off your pants and streak the axis awards night. they might just invent the dumb-ass-of-the-industry award and give you the grand-prix.

11:29 am NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Um..is your sarcasm detector down?

9:12 am NZST


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