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Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Elave has exposed its controversial new viral campaign which parodies every cosmetics and personal hygiene ad that uses a laboratory setting with one revealing twist - everyone from the presenter to the lab technicians to the research subjects are completely naked. Elave states its products are chemicalfree; therefore they have nothing to hide!
The audience is first welcomed to the Elave Institute, and then taken on a tour of its sophisticated and clinical surroundings. As we’re led through the highly stylised laboratory, we’re instructed on the chemical-free nature of the Elave range. Diagrams are drawn, water is tested, slides are inspected – all by a completely nude research staff. A staff who - along with the presenter and the product range – have no qualms at all in showing that they have “nothing to hide”.
The risqué campaign directed by Brendan Donovan of Prodigy NZ strongly reinforces the message that Elave’s products contain no worrying irritants or chemicals that may be linked to serious skin conditions.
Says Donovan: “Elave is a high-grade parody with some great dead-pan performances, a few very shapely breasts, and a couple of mighty large wangers. Thanks to our very brave cast, and a dedicated crew who managed to perform the entire job with their eyes shut”.
The 60 second viral is live at
  • Elave Lab

  • Credits:
    Director: Brendan Donovan
    Title: Elave Lab - Nothing to Hide
    Production Company: Prodigy NZ
    Client: Elave
    Post Production: Images Post


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Is this the first truly viral clip to have come out of NZ? Hats of to...errr... which agency?

    6:19 pm NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Why uk make ad in nz? Back story, anyone?

    10:42 pm NZST

    Blogger Unknown said...

    Nudity on the internet, brilliant!

    11:15 pm NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Grant - I couldn't help but sense a tone of sarcasm is your words. Just for once it would be nice to see something posted on here without some arrogant twat tearing the idea down. Envy is a smelly cologne Grant, and you’re soaking in it.

    8:22 am NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Grant, looks like you have been fingered!

    10:07 am NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I didn't read it as sarcastic.

    1:13 pm NZST

    Blogger Unknown said...

    8.22 - maybe you should make a comment on the work then, and not me. Yes, I am a bitter, lonely, hack, but that doesn't make that viral funny or shocking. Nicely made though.


    2:48 pm NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Tits a good ad, don't knocker it. Won't have any awards wanging its way maybe, butt it certainly tickled me and aroused my interest.


    3:18 pm NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    yeah Grant.

    11:45 pm NZST

    Blogger Unknown said...


    11:00 am NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I have a suspicion it was made by Saatchi Auckland.

    5:26 pm NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    On David Colquhoun's (Technical Director and Programmer for the Nothing to Hide website) website it says it was done for Saatchi News Zealand.

    Good work Saatchi - very nice.

    5:37 pm NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    If saatchi was responsible you can kinda understand why they're not putting they name to it as they would have a massive conflict of interest with an all ready established world wide client (P&G olay)

    9:32 am NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...


    10:18 am NZST

    Blogger JoeGreenz said...

    Viral huh? Like an STD.

    10:22 am NZST

    Blogger Unknown said...

    10.18, is that you Kat?

    2:34 pm NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    i asked this question on the cb blog, but have had no reply: why no pubes on the lead talent? this is supposed to appeal to women isn't it, not jazz-mag reading blokes. thoughts?

    6:49 pm NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    She's blonde. Curtains and carpet my friend, curtains and carpet

    10:05 am NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Of course it's saatchi.

    12:08 pm NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Listening to the news on George fm has just got a lot more interesting.

    4:37 pm NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Is it just me or does the blonde really look like Sharon of Henderson ??

    3:43 pm NZST


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