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Thursday, May 31, 2007


This week sees the launch of new film company 'gladwrap'.
Director Chris Graham has teamed up with Producer Treza Gallogly to launch the company and return to TVC work together. Graham [previously @ flying fish] has just completed two feature films back to back: Last year's hugely successful 'Sione's Wedding'and his new film, the psychological horror 'The Ferryman' [starring John Rhys Davies & Kerry Fox] which opens in NZ this Halloween, and is currently on the world film festival circuit.
Treza Gallogly is returning to local TVC work after five years of producing international TVC’s through her line production company, NZ Film Connection.
Chris Graham's TVC work and feature film trailers can be found on their website.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's my take out from this supposed to be? Gladwrap uses cheap NZ hip hop artists to rip off adidas commercials?

(or was it nike? the one with the basketball beatboxing?)

9:25 am NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

no fixed abode..you are boring me...bless your narrow minded take on this new film company, but if you got nothing better to say, the shut up.

Treza is an amazing producer, and Chris is a great director. Good luck to you both, I bet Gladwrap will be a great success..


6:10 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

9.25 - Sorry to add insult to injury, but you didn't even get the rip right anyway. The Nike/Adidas was a rip in its self. Came from a group of artists in Norway or Sweden or something. They've been doing that shit for years.

Anyway, good luck Gladwrap. Nice name. Talented director.

9:22 am NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, big ups to Treza - she's great and deserves a hit on her hands!

8:41 pm NZST


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