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Friday, May 11, 2007


Ogilvy has created a 30 second spot, titled
  • 'SPIT'
  • for Wild Bean Cafe.

    Creatives: James Bowman & Tom Paine
    Creative Directors: Roy Meares & Jeremy Taine
    Agency Producer: Kim Baldwinson
    Director: Chris Dudman
    Production Company: Robber's Dog
    DoP: Mike Molloy
    Music: Liquid Studios


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Ogilvy must be fucking desperate for publicity. This not news.

    3:59 pm NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Yet another rip-off of a Mother London ad. Check out the Fanta Z commercial from a year ago at:


    9:31 pm NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I quite like this ad all the same. I think ogivly are trying hard and this is a fun spot. Lets not be hard on them.

    9:46 am NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    9:31. Sure the idea of spitting out a drink isn't original (duh!)But what makes you so sure they ripped it off that ad - is there really no where else the idea could have come from? I wouldn't go popping off about how they "stole" the idea, unless you want to post your own artistic genius for others to have a giggle at.

    10:10 am NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Calm down Tom - it's an average ad that'd been done before.

    12:01 am NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    9.31 and 12.01, spiting your coffee out has been done in many a movie, plays, print, radio and tv show's to name a few. Just not tv ads.

    It's a way of life. We live and act it. The fact the ad is suggestive of another ad does not make it the end. And that they used it first.

    I could say mother ripped it off the "office" scene where they all at random spat out their drinks in different places. So the fanta ad ripped off a tv series.

    Advertising is reflective of life. Move on your two muppets.

    Think big, not like kids.

    8:25 pm NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hmm, all this spit is getting me horny...

    11:59 pm NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    So, essentially what you're saying 8:25pm is that because Ogilvy hadn't seen the Fanta ad from mother, that this makes this situation less unacceptable. Is that what you're saying? Because if that's what you're saying you need a laaaaaaaaaaaaarge dose of GET REAL with your wild bean cafe coffee.

    Here endeth the lesson

    12:38 pm NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    12.38 i no not saying that it is more acceptable, what i am saying is the ad industry doesn't come up with ideas for things first. They are often last.

    you are just comparing ad idea with ad idea. I am comparing this spitting idea with other creative ideas and excutions.

    Open your eyes to whats around you. Ads are the end not the begining.

    A good example is the todd mc cracken fly ad. Look how people blew that up. And the honda ad with all the parts falling against each other. That was inspired and ripped off a short film.

    In the end you can not say it is a copy. It's a refection of whats around us.

    10:57 pm NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    A lot of fuss about nonsense. This ad does not make any sense whatsoever. The Fanta ad did. Artistic licence aside, I'd like someone to show me just one person who can take a big enough swig of coffee to do this. I just cannot get past how stupid this is because only people with fire retardant mouths would be able to take a swig of coffee large enough to spit out as beautifullly depicted here! Surely people, coffee is drunk hot. Or are they comparing Wild Bean coffee to cold coffee? Not a very apt comparison. Beautifully shot, but terribly unbelieveble for coffee. Fanta? Now that works!

    11:34 am NZST


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