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Friday, August 17, 2007


A NZCC blogger points out the similarity between the recent AWARD School Melbourne posters created by George Patterson Y&R Melbourne (below), with last year's NZ Herald campaign (left) created by M&C Saatchi, Auckland that got metal at Axis and was shortlisted at Cannes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aside from being a blatant rip, it looks better and works better the second time around.

5:13 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

nah...I don't see it...

7:01 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Visuals are exactly the same. That's enough.

10:07 am NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's about as barefaced as you can get. Cheeky fuckers.

5.13 - agree the idea is better presented second time around, but I don't think the copy works anywhere near as well as the Herald ads

1:47 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure, the visuals are identical, but isn't the thought different? The first lot says you've been in your job too long, the second says that you should do AWARD school, otherwise you'll be stuck in a piddling role at the agency for the rest of your life ie. Catmur's foot-rest. That is Catmur isn't it? It's not a 100% rip. Maybe 85%?

8:15 am NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mistake. Having now bothered to read the copy, isn't the second lot saying you can basically employ an AWARD School graduate to do ANYTHING in your office? Awesome. Come on guys, spend $800 and become a hat-stand. Pretty bang on really.

8:18 am NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget about whoever did the ads. What about the losers that approved them. Award School people... wouldn't they have a handle on work being done in the region? This rip off slipped though? Sad. Should have approved an ad with poo in it if they wanted the work to win an award. That is edgy.

7:20 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

would all you losers get a grip and start producing real ads for real clients?

9:27 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a real client and I demand real ads!

4:50 pm NZST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only know one person whose favourite word is poo. How are you, Phil Poosanage?

8:10 pm NZST


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