A blog for the New Zealand creative advertising industry, now at www.campaignbrief.com/nz. Email news to: michael@campaignbrief.com

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


The annual Campaign Brief Creative Rankings are nearly at the printer and about to be published. This year, over 500 creative make the cut, based on success at D&AD, The One Show, Cannes, Clio, AWARD, The Work and the Caxtons over the last two years. As there are so many names, there are bound to be a few who have moved on to other agencies, so please go to the
  • CB Blog
  • and download the PDF. If you notice anything wrong (about your entry or someone else's entry), please email michael@campaignbrief.com ASAP, before this Wednesday PM.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I'm only going to start taking that shit seriously when they include my Axis points. And NAB Ad of the Month.

    6:51 pm NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    And my sports trophies from high school.

    8:22 pm NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    And why is HIS photo bigger than my photo? Not fair! Lynnnnnchhhyy....

    11:26 pm NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The Work and the Caxtons???

    I can think of a few others that should be in there... but these?

    12:58 am NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Shit. Pleased I remember to wear my CD's uniform the day that photo was taken. Poor bugger who wore the white shirt. His black t-shirt must have been in the washing.

    10:31 am NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Shouldn't Anonymous be nearer the top?

    11:06 am NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I don't see anonymous??????

    11:55 am NZST

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Here I am. Looks like I should have done a whole lot more self-PR this year instead of being so anonymous that I got left off the list. Ah well, least you basturds can't get me on the blog!

    8:01 pm NZST


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