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Saturday, April 19, 2008


D&AD announced the interim results of Awards 2008 judging today, with New Zealand scoring three Nominations and 17 In Book, placing us equal 8th in the world. Saatchi & Saatchi Auskland has two Nominations - for NZ Army 'Bluetooth' and Wellington Zoo 'Close Encounters' plus three In Book, while Publicis Mojo Auckland has a Nomination for their Speights 'Great Beer Delivery' plus two In Book.
Other NZ shops to get In Book includes DDB Auckland with five and Colenso BBDO with two.
This year, 691 entries from 35 countries have been recognised from the 25,000+ entries received. Of those, 143 have been nominated for a Yellow Pencil, which is awarded to work that sets new benchmarks in creative excellence. Winners will be announced at the D&D Awards Ceremony in London on 15 May.
As is always expected at D&AD, UK ad agencies lead the way with a total of 295 entries In-Book, more than all other countries combined!
Black Pencil Judging will take place on 12 May in London. The jury will consist of the Foremen and one judge from each original Jury. This group will decide if any work is truly groundbreaking. Previous winners include Nikeplus.com by R/GA and The Guardian newspaper redesign.
Nominated work can be viewed online from 6 May at www.dandad.org/awards08.


UK (58 Nominations, 295 In Book)
USA (32 Nominations, 63 In Book)
Germany (8 Nominations, 33 In Book)
Japan (6 Nominations, 10 In Book)
Netherlands (6 Nominations, 5 In Book)
Spain (5 Nominations, 9 In Book)
Singapore (3 Nominations, 23 In Book)
Australia (3 Nominations, 17 In Book)
New Zealand (3 Nominations, 17 In Book)
Sweden (3 Nominations, 17 In Book)


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